Study guidance / Specialist Advice / Portfolio Consultions
Thank you for your interest in studying at weißensee kunsthochschule berlin.
All important event dates, information on portfolio and specialist advice, the tour in July and our information days in June and November can be found on this page.
Week of study orientation in BERLIN 10-14.6.2024
The Study Orientation Week will take place from June 10 to 14, 2024: Here, prospective students can gain an insight into our range of courses and get to know the subject areas and workshops. You will receive further information and the program here at the end of May.
Specialist Advice/ Portfolio Consultions
Specific artistic advice will only be given by representatives of the respective departments.
Below you will find the dates of the individual department or the start of applications in November/December.
In addition, you will find many useful tips on the design of the digital portfolio as well as the dates of the entrance exams:
Academic Possibilities for Refugees – Let‘s talk to Berlin’s Universities / Studienmöglichkeiten für Geflüchtete
Am Montag, den 10. Juni 2024 findet im Rahmen der "Woche der Studienorientierung" beim Studierendenwerk Berlin eine Informationsveranstaltung speziell für Geflüchtete statt.
Studienmöglichkeiten für Geflüchtete - Let‘s talk to Berlin’s Universities /
Berliner Universitäten und Hochschulen stellen sich vor
Ort: im Freiraum des Studentenhauses,
Hardenbergstraße 35, 10623 Berlin-Charlottenburg
Zeit: 10.00 bis 14.00 Uhr
Rundgang - Tour // Open days // 20 - 21 July 2024 // 12:00h - 20:00h
At the end of the academic year, around 850 artists and designers from weißensee kunsthochschule berlin will present their student and final projects. Everyone is invited to visit the studios of all departments and workplaces, students and teachers will also be on site, a wonderful inspiration for all applicants. In addition, the student advisory service will be available at the info table throughout the weekend to answer any questions you may have about applying and studying.
Study programs of weißensee academy of art berlin
The design departments: Fashion Design, Product Design, Textile and Material Design & Visual Communication offer an 8-semester Bachelor's degree (240 ECTS), after which you can apply for the two-year Master's degree (120 ECTS). The Fine Arts programs with courses of study in: Painting, Sculpture, and Stage and Costume Design cover a standard study period of ten semesters and you graduate with a diploma (300 ECTS). All undergraduate study programs start with the one-year art and design foundation course.
Die Study Regulations of all departments can be found here!
Susan Lipp
General student advisory service
Room A1.03
Please send your request by e-mail
or please contact us by phone: 030 47705 -342
(Mon - Thu 10 -15 h, Tue until 17 h).
Personal office hours:
Tue 14 - 17 h and Thu 10 - 12 h and by appointment
For a personal appointment, please contact us in advance by telephone or in writing.