Extended Academic Senate
All professors of the academy, all members of the Academic Senate and the persons who are listed beyond are members of the Extended Academic Senate.
The structure of the assembly and the tasks of the Extended Academic Senate are written down in the Mitteilungsblatt No. 190, §§8+9 / June, 8th, 2012, in German language.
Leoni Adams
Leiterin Referat Studienangelegenheiten / Akademisches Auslandsamt
Brigitte Dierker
Alumni, Stipendienprogramme
Room Number C2.09
Phone 030 / 47705277
Email madej(at)kh-berlin.de
Website https://madeleinemadej.de
Johanna Marie Busch
Studentin Mode-Design
Janine Fingerle
Studentische Hilfskraft (Produkt-Design)
Josef Grassel
Student Malerei
Aditi Gupta
Studentin Raumstrategien
Zoe Mauritz
Studentin Malerei
Luca Maria Plaumann
Anna Wolf
Studentin Visuelle Kommunikation