


In order to remain a student of the weißensee academy of art berlin, you must always re-register for the coming semester. Accordingly, you have to transfer the semester fees to the school bank account. Do not miss the deadline for the payment, otherwise you run the risk of deregistration. If you wish to take a semester on leave, you can submit an application for a semester on leave instead of re-registering.

Merkblätter zum Rückmeldeverfahren

Weitere Informationen zur Rückmeldung/Immatrikulation

Sekretariat Studienangelegenheiten/ Immatrikulationsamt

Sekretariat Studienangelegenheiten/ Immatrikulationsamt:
Nadine Zeculis und Jamie Spalt

Raum A 1.04, Tel: 030 47705 -212

Mo 9-12 Uhr, Di und Do 13-16 Uhr

Jamie Spalt: ref-stud(at)
Nadine Zeculis: ref-stud2(at)