Postal Address
weißensee kunsthochschule berlin
Bühringstraße 20
13086 Berlin
Switchboard/Post Office
T: +49 30 477 05 0
Course Guidance
Regarding the application process and the studies at weißensee kunsthochschule berlin.
T: +49 30 477 05 212/342
E-Mail: studienberatung[at]
International Office
Regarding all international exchange agreements and study abroad.
T: +49 30 477 05 232
E-Mail: international[at]
Office of Study Affairs
Regarding the studies at weißensee kunsthochschule berlin.
T: +49 30 477 05 312
E-Mail: ref-stud[at]
Public Relations/Press Office
T: +49 30 477 05 222
E-Mail: presse[at]
Black Board
You would like to send us internship and job offers (only paid internships will be forwarded) and competition announcements?
E-mail: studienberatung(at)
Rector´s Office
T: +49 30 477 05 220
E-Mail: sekretariat.rektorin[at]
Rector´s Assistant
T: +49 30 477 05 266
E-Mail: assistenz[at]
Legal Notice
weißensee kunsthochschule berlin
Bühringstraße 20
13086 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 47705-0
Telefax: +49 30 47705-290
E-Mail: sekretariat.rektorin[at]
Name of University
Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin (§1 Abs. 2 BerHG). Die Hochschule ist eine Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts (§2 Abs.1 BerHG).
Sie wird durch die Rektorin Dr. Angelika Richter gesetzlich vertreten.
Die verwendete Eigenschreibweise der Hochschule lautet: weißensee kunsthochschule berlin.
Chancellery of the Senate
Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft, Gesundheit, Pflege und Gleichstellung
Warschauer Str. 41-42
10243 Berlin
Design & technical realization website
Webmaster weißensee: webmaster(at)
Programming: Holger Heißmeyer, Jakob Wierzba, ahornblau
Technical managment weißensee: Olaf Kriseleit
Project managment VOTUM Media (2011-2014): Franziska Schulze
Programming VOTUM Media (2011-2014): Pete Alcock, Ricardo Hildebrand
Design weißensee: Barbara Junge
Liability Notes
Weißensee Academy of Art Berlin makes every effort to ensure that the information provided on this website is up to date and correct. However, errors and ambiguities cannot completely be ruled out. Therefore, the academy cannot guarantee that the information provided here is up to date, correct, and complete. Weißensee Academy of Art Berlin cannot be held liable for any material or immaterial damage caused by the use of the information provided, or by the use of faulty or incomplete information, unless intention or grossly negligent conduct can be proven. The same applies to data provided for download. External content: Despite our careful checking of content, we cannot accept liability for the content of external links. Responsibility for the content of linked sites lies solely with their operators.