Incoming Exchange Students


The weißensee academy of art berlin has a network of some 130 international art academies with whom it has bilateral exchange agreements. The student* exchange has a long tradition and is actively promoted.

As we receive every semester much more applications that we are able to offer places, the application process for an exchange semester is mainly open to students from our partner universities and for scholarship holders (e.g. DAAD and Fulbright). In particular cases students can also be admitted as "Free Exchange" students.

Application Period

  • The application periods under the exchange program are:
  • For the winter term (Oct-Feb)
    from March 1st - April 15th
  • For summer term (Apr-Jul)
    from October 1st – November 15th.

The online portal is open for applications only during the application period!
Please scroll down for the weblink.

Application Prerequisites

Please note: all students applying for an exchange have to be nominated by their home institution/university to be eligible to apply for exchange studies.

The exchange coordinator at your home institution must confirm your nomination to the weißensee academy of art berlin by document, which has to be uploaded by the nominees as pdf-file in our application portal.

If you are interested in attending weißensee academy of art berlin as an exchange student for one semester the first thing you should do is to check with your Exchange Coordinator or International Office in your home institution to find out if your home university/institution has an exchange agreement with us. You can also check for partners of weißensee academy of art on: this link!


Application process for incoming exchange students

To apply for a guest study at weißensee kunsthochschule berlinn, please use the online application portal (Campuscore) only. The application period for the upcoming wintersemester 2024/25 is open from March 1 - April 15.

For help with registering and creating your application, as well as useful tips, please refer to the step-by-step instructions.

The first step is to create a profile in Campuscore. Once you have created an account, you can start your application and also edit and change it until the end of the application period, as long as it has not yet been submitted. Please note that only complete applications submitted on time will be reviewed by the admissions committees.

Your application is not complete until you have clicked the green "Submit Application" button ( it appears on the right after all forms have been filled out completely)! Please be aware of the deadline, as the application portal closes on APRIL 15 (23:59 CEST).


Please start then with the registration via the following link:
Online Application Portal Campuscore.

Help on how to register and complete your application you find in our:
Step-by-Step instruction or contact me by email!

Please do not send any additional documents by post before official admission.


Leoni Adams
Head of Academic Affairs and International Office
room A1.13
Academy of Art Berlin Weißensee
Buehringstrasse 20
13086 Berlin

mail: international(at)

consultation hours: Thursday from 1-3pm, or on appointment.
In urgent cases write an e-mail.








Exchange programs: Information mainly for outgoing students
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