Fine Arts / Painting
Fine Arts / Painting
Painting is a method of visualization that results in a statement: the image. The painting process is one in which the artist attempts to express his or her experiences and thoughts as a subjective version of reality.
After attending the first-year foundation course in art and design, students focus on exploring the dialectical relationship between object, reproduction and image. This exploration is based on the understanding of drawing as a way of describing, and therefore recognizing.
From the start, independent work is both expected and encouraged, and its significance increases with each semester of study. The teachers’ role is to strengthen this independence, to point out thematic and artistic contextualizations in contemporary painting, and to offer their own artistic insights as a sounding board for students’ ideas.
The thesis project is the student’s first fully independent work. It is based on a self-chosen assignment and covers the entire spectrum of theoretical knowledge and practical skills taught during the course.
Applicants to the Fine Arts / Painting course must demonstrate particular artistic aptitude. An accepted qualification for university entrance is preferred. Artistic aptitude will be tested in an examination.
Length of program: ten semesters
After successful graduation is awarded the academic title "Diplom für Freie Kunst"/"Diploma degree of Fine Arts" and though being a first degree the diploma is equivalent to a Master Degree.
Qualified students may extend their studies in a two-semester Master Class.
Room Number M 2.03
Phone 030 / 47705453
Email feldmann(at)
Room Number M 2.04
Phone +49 (0)30 477 05 452
Email dirk.peuker(at)
Elisabeth Bosse
Studentische Hilfskraft Friederike Feldmann
Anna Maria Eigner
Tutorin Nader Ahriman
Sheila Zimmermann
Tutorin Pia Linz