

The KHB has taken on a gratifyingly international character in recent years. In addition to academic projects directed by KHB faculty members abroad, the academies’s numerous international students, who make up about 30 % of its total enrollment, lend an international flavor.

All students are advised to spend a semester abroad during the second phase of their studies, to gain further professional and intercultural experience and to acquire additional skills. To this end, the academy maintains partnerships and exchange programs with around 100 art academies and colleges in Europe, Asia, Australia and America, with active student participation.

In its rankings of 250 German colleges, the DAAD (German Foreign Exchange Service) has rated the KHB one of the ERASMUS European exchange program’s top participants by percentage for a number of years.
Through its international studies office, the Office of Student Affairs oversees the enrollment and advisement of international students, and also coordinates international exchange programs.




Leoni Adams
Head of Academic Affairs and International Office
room A1.13
Academy of Art Berlin Weißensee
Buehringstrasse 20
13086 Berlin

mail: international(at)

consultation hours: Thursday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
In urgent cases write an e-mail.

