Fine Arts / Stage and Costume Design
Fine Arts / Stage and Costume Design
Stage and Costume Design at the weißensee academy of art berlin is a Fine Arts course. Building upon an interdisciplinary foundation course, this course teaches, examines and experiments with the possibilities of stage and costume design in both the historical context and in contemporary theater. Students learn to develop strategies and perspectives of visualization for the performing arts that go beyond the purely theatrical.The coursework focuses on developing artistic concepts. The School is particularly able to do this because it offers:– unbiased debate between concept development and theory, between stage and costume;– an interdisciplinary spectrum ranging from fine art to design.The aim of the study course is to produce stage and costume designers who work as independent artists and equal partners in the process of production between the poles of stage, dramaturgy and direction and the focus areas new media and costume design. Graduates will possess the ability to appropriately represent ideas and concepts, to communicate them, and to use technology to realize their ideas and bring them into play.Length of program: ten semesters (five years)After successful graduation is awarded the academic title "Diplom für Freie Kunst"/"Diploma degree of Fine Arts" and though being a first degree the diploma is equivalent to a Master Degree.Qualified students may extend their studies in a two-semester Master Class.
Fine Arts / Stage and Costume Design-Moodle
Prof. Martin Seidemann
Lehrbeauftragter Bühnen- und Kostümbild, Honorarprofessor in der Kunsttherapie
→ Course Offerings -
Hannah Lucie Sammann
Alissa Schaaf
Margaux Schmidt
Studentin, Studentische Mitarbeiterin Bibliothek