Events open to graduates
sprechenÜber is an interdisciplinary lecture series at weißensee academy of art berlin. Guest lecturers are designers, graphic designers, and artists who speak in various formats about their professions in the world beyond the campus.
Website: Facebook „sprechenÜber“
What does XYZ do ... ? Alumni of weißensee academy of art berlin report
Mart Stam Gesellschaft and see up, centre for graduates, organize an evening with stimulating lectures and conversations. In regular intervals, weißensee academy of art berlin alumni are invited to talk about their careers.
Stefan Koppelkamm & Sophia Pompéry
Mail: martstam(at)
Prof. Stefan Koppelkamm
Vorsitzender Mart Stam Gesellschaft, Ehemaliger Professor Visuelle Kommunikation
Alumni reception during Open Days
The alumni reception takes place during the Open Days in July. The intention is to foster a lively exchange between alumni, students, faculty, and staff. Invitations and information are sent out every year in June.
Brigitte Dierker (contact person for weißensee academy’s alumni network)
Mail: alumni(at)
T: +49 30 477 05 246