Sommersemester 2023, BA/MA Visuelle Kommunikation VK_Startseite
✎ · Cupld, 2023
In the realm of speculating about the future of humanity, numerous conjectures, imagery, and scenarios abound. However, who or what will bear witness to and remain rooted within that future when we are no longer present? Within this speculative portrayal, attention is directed toward the mundane objects that surround us in our daily lives. One such object is the Coffee Cup, an item of routine use within the University, almost assuming an iconic status, yet often overlooked and forgotten. It has existed since my arrival and will likely endure even after my departure.
By focusing on this particular object and envisioning it as a catalyst for evoking emotions and triggering memories, I perceive the cup as the ultimate observer, an unwavering presence that remains unchanged. Engaging with various external sources such as lectures, writings, stock photos, freely available models, sound files, posts, tags, subreddit feeds, and other forms of material, I am confronted with an overwhelming volume of data that eludes complete comprehension. Yet, I find solace in returning to the object: the cup.
When considering this juxtaposition, the chosen object symbolizes declaration—a momentary suspension of time and space—a distinctive design that is unobtrusive yet intimately familiar. Somewhat nostalgically, I am reminded of the ambiance
of a youth hostel, a German tavern, or a roadhouse,
evoking a sense of corny sentimentality.

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