Wintersemester 2022/2023, BA/MA Visuelle Kommunikation VK_Startseite
✎ · fractal spaces, 2023
In “fractal spaces”, the viewer immerses herself into a fractal world, flying through ever changing fractal landscapes. In fact it is the movement of the viewer herself that causes the shifting, folding and bending of space in an unpredictable and disorienting way. She may return to an earlier point and find the fractal completely changed. And so the lines blur between having the power to change the surrounding world and losing control over it, between actively exploring and getting lost, between conquering and surrendering to the fractal. What remains is the fascination for the shifting shapes.
The soundscape, containing various sounds and voice overs, takes up on these notions: Incomprehensible lines of code mix with poetic explorations, whispered questions and flows of thought, all connected to the fractal space, the fascination it evokes and its spacial feeling.

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Alle Rechte vorbehalten Anna Wolf

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Anna Wolf

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Anna Wolf