Wintersemester 2021/2022, BA/MA Textil- und Material-Design Textil_Startseite
15.11.2021 Lecture Yolanda Leask - Industrial felt
Lecture series within the BMBF funded research project BAUHAUS 4.0
15.11.2021, 17:00 o'clock
“Industrial felt – nonwoven versus traditional manufacturing methods"
With her company Doppelhaus Yolanda Leask develops nonwoven textiles for fashion and interiors, applying her creative training to some of the largest scale industrial textile technologies.
Yolanda will tell us about her work and the development of her felt material Cloudwool. She will give students an overview of the various techniques that can produce different kinds of felt and what parameters designers can vary to create felt textiles suited to their purposes.
Zoom link:
Meeting-ID: 645 6330 6244
Kenncode: 481319
Image credits: Yolanda Leask

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Yolanda Leask