Sommersemester 2020, BA/MA Textil- und Material-Design Textil_Startseite , Exzellenzcluster
Scaling Nature (3): Growth I MoA Design Research Studio
Matters of Activity. Cluster of Excellence Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin & weißensee school of art and design berlin
Professor Dipl.-Ing. Christiane Sauer
Professor Dr.-Ing. Karola Dierichs
Matters of Activity. Cluster of Excellence Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin & Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces
Dr. Michaela Eder
Dr. Lorenzo Guiducci
Dr.-Ing. Khashayar Razghandi
weißensee school of art and design berlin
Dipl-Des. Ebba Fransén Waldhör
Dipl.-Ing. Maxie Schneider
The MoA Design Research Studio on »Growth« is a continuation of the »Scaling Nature« series introduced in Summer 2019. It is part of the Excellence Cluster »Matters of Activity (MoA)«. In this context, the core idea of the studio is to investigate matter as an active agent in the design process. This means that it has its own innate capacity of formation and performance, that is being designed from the bottom up. Scaling nature can be understood as the process of extracting principles from naturally occurring systems and taking them as inspiration for specific applications – during this process scaling operations necessarily are one key aspect of this translation.
Growth – very generally – can be defined as the increase in dimension of an organism over time. This can be achieved by cell division but also by an increase of extracellular matrix. While animals are able to adjust to changing conditions by remodeling processes, for example bone material is permanently resorbed and added, plants can only react by growth. The properties of the synthesized material depend on the needs of the tree and can be fine-tuned from the nanometer-level up to macroscopic length scales.
In cooperation with the department of Biomaterials at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces the Design Research Studio observed, studied and analyzed growth processes in natural, non-designed systems, such as trees, and translated them into artificial, designed systems. The core challenge of the studio was to develop the incremental growth of a designed structure from its micro- to its meso- to its macro-level.
The results of the MoA Design Research Studio on »Growth« will be on internal display at the weißensee school of art and design berlin from 22.9.—14.10.2020.
In case you want to visit, please contact:
Yin 阴 , Cindy Peng, © weißensee kunsthochschule berlin / Cindy Peng
Participating Students:
Vanko Yutian Zhou
Katya Hsiao Ching Cheng
Otto Lemme
Cindy Peng
Gregory Krouse
Jojo Shone
Jessica Farmer
Laura Gaspari
Jessica Zmijan
Hannah Lu Verse
Project categorySemester Project Project subjects BA/MA Textil- und Material-Design
Scaling Nature 3
Alle Rechte vorbehalten © weißensee kunsthochschule berlin / Cindy Peng

Prof. Dr. Dierichs at the exhibition
Alle Rechte vorbehalten weißensee school of art and design / Mareike Stoll

Alle Rechte vorbehalten weißensee school of art and design / Mareike Stoll

Hannah Lu Verse - Grow Garments
Alle Rechte vorbehalten weißensee school of art and design / Hannah Lu Verse

Grow Garments presented by Hannah Lu Verse
Alle Rechte vorbehalten weißensee school of art and design / Mareike Stoll

Grow Garments - Hannah Lu Verse
Alle Rechte vorbehalten weißensee school of art and design / Mareike Stoll

weißensee kunsthochschule berlin / Cindy Peng
Alle Rechte vorbehalten , © weißensee kunsthochschule berlin / Cindy Peng / Photo Mareike Stoll

Alle Rechte vorbehalten weißensee school of art and design / Cindy Peng / Photo Mareike Stoll

Yin 阴 , Cindy Peng
Alle Rechte vorbehalten weißensee school of art and design / Cindy Peng / Photo Mareike Stoll

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Laura Gaspari_Photo Mareike Stoll

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Laura Gaspari_Photo Mareike Stoll

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Laura Gaspari_Photo Mareike Stoll

Alle Rechte vorbehalten J. Shone & J. Zmijan_Photo Mareike Stoll

Alle Rechte vorbehalten J.Shone & J. Zmijan_Photo Mareike Stoll

Alle Rechte vorbehalten J.Shone & J. Zmijan_Photo Mareike Stoll

Alle Rechte vorbehalten J.Shone & J. Zmijan_Photo Mareike Stoll

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Jessica Farmer_Photo Mareike Stoll

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Jessica Farmer_Photo Mareike Stoll

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Jessica Farmer_Photo Mareike Stoll

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Jessica Farmer_Photo Mareike Stoll

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Otto Lemme_Photo Mareike Stoll

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Otto Lemme

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Otto Lemme

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Otto Lemme_Photo Mareike Stoll

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Otto Lemme__ Greg Krouse__Photo Mareike Stoll

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Greg Krouse_Photo Mareike Stoll

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Vanko Zhou

Bitte Lizenz eintragen!
Keine Lizenz Vanko Zhou

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Katya Cheng Hsiao Ching

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Katya Cheng Hsiao Ching

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Katya Cheng Hsiao Ching

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Katya Cheng Hsiao Ching