Wintersemester 2019/2020, BA/MA Textil- und Material-Design Exzellenzcluster , Textil_Startseite
19.11. MoA Talk John Nyakatura: The Anatomy of Movement and Nature's "Design." Vertebrate Function, Evolution, and Scaling
An interdisciplinary lecture series at weißensee school of art and design, “MoA Talks“ presents scientific positions from within the Cluster of Excellence „Matters of Activity. Image Space Material (MoA)“, which is located at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. weißensee school of art and design berlin is one of the principal research institutions for design at the Cluster.
Prof. Dr. John Nyakatura is Professor of Morphology and the History of Forms at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He will present on
Tuesday, November 19th, 2019 at 5 p.m. (Hörsaal C105)
in Weißensee on the topic of functional morphology and evolutionary biology. His lecture is entitled:
The Anatomy of Movement and Nature‘s „Design“: Vertebrate Function, Evolution, and Scaling
The lecture will cover the relationship of form and function in the vertebrate body and specifically the musculo-skeletal system. Bones, muscles, tendons and cartilages make up the movement system. Functional demands are expected to be reflected in these biological structures. To explore this expectation, vertebrate bodies are analysed using imaging and subsequently form-function relationships are modelled with use of methods stemming from engineering. A focus will be laid on adaptations to diverse lifestyles of vertebrates and the influence of body size (scaling). The lecture will also comment on specifics of nature's design principles.
The interested public is invited to attend the lecture in lecture hall C105. Admission is free.

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