Sommersemester 2007, Projektarchiv Mode
Inspiriert von der geometrischen Ästhetik von Origami und geometrischen Papierskulpturen entwarf das zweite Studienjahr Outfits, die auf der Sommermodenschau 2007 präsentiert wurden. Das Entwurfslabor wurde besucht von den Künstlern und Origamigurus Richard Sweeney (England) und Paul Jackson (Israel).
Design project with 2nd year students at Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee. 2007
To explore the complex 3dimensional possibilities of textile surfaces on the body and as a sculpture is a very important basic component of the Fashion Design course at Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee.
The aim of the origami project (which took place over 3 months in the beginning of 2007) was to create a collection of outfits inspired by the geometric aesthetics of origami and geometric paper sculptures.
Fashion design students of the 2nd year experimented with origami to understand the transformation from flat to shape, from 2D to 3D, to explore the magic of a 2dimensional surface transformed into a 3dimensional shape with totally new characteristics, ie unusual volume, elasticity etc.
The student project was visited by two internationally well known origamy artists for individual workshops and talks: Paul Jackson, an paper/origami artist from Israel ( and Richard Sweeney, an up and coming paper sculpture artist from England: (
The outfits were presented in a fashion show in Berlin summer 2007.