Wintersemester 2018/2019, Malerei Druckgrafik Tiefdruck
Workshop mit Prof. Helio Fervenza/ UFRGS Porto Alegre: Portable graphic objects
Workshop: Portable graphic objects
Hélio Fervenza
am 19. - 20.02.2019, Ort: Besprechungsraum der Druckgrafik
– The purpose of this workshop is for each participant to create a project (a sketch or a model/prototype) of a portable graphic object to be printed later, which should be multiple and small in size, so as to be carried in a pocket, hat, in clothing, on the body, etc.
– The object’s design may employ whatever technique or medium desired for the reproduction or printing: stamps, photography, computer, laser printing, photocopying, printmaking, screen printing, etc. Different materials may be used to be printed on (paper, wood, acrylic, fabric, metal, glass, etc.), and already printed materials may also be used (appropriation), such as paper or box packaging or wrapping, fabrics, advertising material, magazines, newspapers, etc.
– The participants will provide an artistic proposition for the object’s use, which could be physical, mental, imaginary, individual, social, etc.
– Depending on the time available for the workshop and the techniques used, the object may be printed during the workshop.
Hélio Fervenza– Lives and works in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Artist, PhD in Visual Arts from the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, professor at the Instituto de Artes of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), and researcher for the CNPq (Brasília). In his artistic work, makes use of various media (installation, photography, adhesive vinyl cutouts, multiples, prints) in order to unfold his research into forms of presentation in art and their cultural and social implications. Since the 1980s, he has held solo exhibitions and taken part in group shows in many different countries, such as in the Venice Biennial (Italy), the São Paulo Biennial [retrospective rooms 1990-2012] (Brazil), the Yakutsk Biennial (Russia), the Museu da Gravura de Curitiba (Brazil), the Université de Paris I (France), the Centro Cultural del Ministerio de Educación y Cultura (Uruguay), the Fundación DANAE (France, Spain), and the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Verviers (Belgium). He is author of the book O + é deserto(The + is desert- ed), São Paulo, Escrituras Editora, 2003. Website:
You should bring drawing material (pencils, various sorts of pens), scissors, safety cutters, glue, adhesive tape, ideas for their projects (images, printouts…), and, if needed, specific materials for their individual projects, e.g. fabric or plastic.
- [PDF] Portfolio Helio Fervenza