Wintersemester 2021/2022,
Explore, Collect, Reflect.
by Alexia von Salomon(Product Design, KHB), Milda Benjes (Computer Science, FU Berlin), Nik Naumov (Computer Science, FU Berlin) and Aljoscha Peters(Computer Science, FU Berlin)
Kim turns the classroom into an adventure: Students explore the universe of the Internet in an augmented reality world. Together with an avatar, they master the hurdles of their everyday lives. Riddles on relevant topics are solved: How does social media work? What happens when I share pictures? How do I protect my mental health? How do I handle passwords correctly?
Each action cube that is distributed by the teacher in the learning space before the game starts, represents a topic. As soon as the students find a cube, they scan it and thus they immerse themselves in the respective learning world, which connects the virtual world with the real world. After a short introduction, the students rotate the action cubes to small, motivating tasks in the subject area, which they solve together in small groups. To do this, they use different building blocks that have different meanings at each station. Each action cube ends with a more complex task that requires prior experience and learning. Once the students complete it, they receive an AR object.
Kim contributes to digital education in schools. To promote collaborative learning in class, teams compare and discuss the AR objects they have collected with the teacher. The focus is on joint reflection rather than on competitive thinking. Students in grades 5 and 6 experience with Kim interactively and exploratively how to make responsible, confident, and (self-)conscious decisions in their everyday activities as we live in an increasingly digitalized world.
Project categorySemester Project
Alle Rechte vorbehalten Alexia von Salomon

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Alexia von Salomon

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Alexia von Salomon

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Alexia von Salomon

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Alexia von Salomon
Alle Rechte vorbehalten Alexia von Salomon